NEWS / FAQ2022-06-20T22:16:34+00:00

Remote Signature + Enhanced Tenant Feedback

zInspector continues to offer COVID Resources, premium tools free to all users, to keep important inspection activities humming along without disruption, while essential workers in the property management, contracting, and real estate industries—and their [...]

November 20th, 2020|

Tenant-Led Inspections Prevent Property Neglect

When rising dough for home-baked bread, the best approach is non-interference: Knead it. Place it in a lightly covered bowl. Set it aside somewhere warm. Go do something else and expect good results. 🤞 [...]

November 6th, 2020|

Double Duty = Half the Work

  At zInspector, we get it: to keep on track, property managers work really hard. Yet, time and again, even the most committed PMs hold onto redundant, obsolete processes that cost too much—in time, [...]

November 3rd, 2020|

Find Photos Faster with Media Filter

Top property professionals know that good filtration is worth its weight in gold. A fresh coffee filter each morning. A replacement HVAC filter every few months. A robust verbal filter when speaking with tenants. zInspector’s recently enhanced Timeline lets you [...]

October 29th, 2020|

zInspector Assists With Security Deposit Returns!

  zInspector facilitates amazing property inspections—sure—but it also makes quick work of security deposit return calculations. It goes like this: your damaged condition findings from a Move Out inspection populate a standard or customized [...]

October 19th, 2020|

Polished, Professional Reports, Every Time

Each inspection you perform in the zInspector 3 app results in a high-quality, eminently readable report. Your inspection conditions, notes, and visual media populate in a shareable, downloadable PDF with links to full-quality photos.  These [...]

October 13th, 2020|


The questions most frequently asked by prospective users.

Wondering about something else? Email support@zinspector.com any time.

How do I get started?2020-10-14T22:11:20+00:00

Sign Up

  • Follow the link to register and create an account (no credit card required for signup).
  • Download the zInspector 3 app from either the Google Play Store and/or the Apple AppStore and sign in with your new zInspector login info (email address and password).

Download the App & Try it Out

Orientation Resources

Do I have to pay to use zInspector?2020-10-14T22:05:45+00:00

zInspector is available to users free of charge for up to five properties/units with the core features enabled.

Do you have lots of units? Lots of users? Great! zInspector continues to be the most powerful yet affordable inspection solution available (see our Pricing page for more info).

How many properties / units can I have with zInspector?2020-10-14T22:02:22+00:00

All current zInspector plans allow for an unlimited number of properties / units.

The Free plan allows for a maximum of 5 properties on the account, including archived properties.

Note: Future plan options may include pricing per number of properties / units, but not at this time.

How many photos & videos can I store with zInspector?2020-10-14T22:02:42+00:00

As many as you want.

All plans include the unlimited storage of photos and videos taken within zInspector mobile software.

Can I customize zInspector for my business?2020-10-05T22:22:41+00:00

Yes, we have many great customization options including:

  • Brand your inspection reports with your company logo.
  • Tailor prefilled comments with your own disclaimers.
  • Personalize auto-emailed messages as you see fit.
  • Customize our standard templates a little or a lot.
  • Create your own inspection templates from scratch.

And more!

Can I have my tenants perform their own inspections?2020-10-14T21:58:53+00:00

Yes, you can.  zInspector is offering tenant inspections for all users during the COVID-19 crisis. In the future, tenant inspections will be available as a reasonably priced premium feature.

Please see this page for more information on tenant-completed inspections.

Can I use my own camera to take pictures for zInspector?2020-10-14T21:59:15+00:00

You can, but we don’t recommend it.

Photos taken within zInspector 3 using the app’s camera or a compatible 360 camera:

  • receive an unalterable geotag and time/datestamp making it powerful documentation
  • contain special tags that enable quick and powerful searching and reporting
  • enable photo markup directly within the app
  • upload and associate automatically with the correct property and activity on the zInspector website.

Photos you take outside of the zInspector app (either with your device’s camera app or a digital camera) do none of these things. In special circumstances, you may need to upload photos manually, so we provide a tool for that.

Can I manually upload photos to zInspector without a mobile device?2020-10-14T22:03:51+00:00

Yes, you can upload photos manually to the zInspector website. This video explains how.

Note: You can also get to the Manual Upload tool right from Timeline by clicking on the Manual Upload icon in the Timeline toolbar.

Important: You cannot upload photos into the zInspector 3 app itself.

How does zInspector back up the photos and information I upload?2020-10-05T22:13:48+00:00

zInspector performs daily backups of all of your photos in the event of any server issues. We utilize Amazon server resources to provide you with highly reliable and redundant storage.

Are my photos secure?2020-10-05T22:14:40+00:00

All communications between your computer or mobile device(s) and our server are encrypted. In addition, your passwords are encrypted. We do not, however, encrypt your photos or inspections. Technically, a zInspector employee can login to your account and view them; we have no intention of doing so, beyond what may be necessary to provide you with stellar technical support.

Can I download & back up my photos and inspections outside of zInspector?2020-10-05T22:12:50+00:00

You have lots! zInspector has the most flexible reporting options in the industry, including:

  • PDF Reports to unlimited email addresses
  • PDF Reports to Evernote, Dropbox, Google Drive, Dot Loop, and more!
  • User-by-user Report Sharing Settings
  • Download Zip to email option for full-quality photos
Can I change information once it has been uploaded?2020-10-05T22:15:29+00:00

Yes, you can edit inspections generated by yourself or another member of your group account, even after they have been uploaded to the website, provided that you have been given sufficient access privileges by the Group Owner of your account to do so.

Some information within your zInspector account cannot be altered—including but not necessarily limited to: metadata including geolocation and timestamps within photo and video files taken with the zInspector app; manually uploaded documents not produced using the zInspector app or website; and tenant-completed inspection content, including photos, comments, conditions, and signatures—either to preserve the integrity of the information or documentation or because doing so would fall outside the scope of zInspector’s intended functionality.

Can I delete my content once it has been uploaded to zInspector?2020-10-05T22:20:13+00:00

Yes, you can permanently delete individual photos and videos, and even entire inspections, whether in-progress or completed.

You can archive properties (along with their associated data) that you no longer manage in order to remove them from your active inspectable property list but preserve the data for future reference.

You can even delete properties (along with their associated data) that you have no need to preserve.  zInspector will not retain your data if you choose to delete it.

If I delete one of my users, what happens to their data?2020-10-05T22:19:40+00:00

The user will no longer be able to access the zInspector account either through the website or their mobile device, but any data that have created and uploaded to the zInspector website is preserved for the rest of the group to access, as appropriate. The data will remain associated with the deleted user, so the historical record of their inspection activities is maintained.

What does zInspector do with my personal data and information? Is it protected?2020-10-14T22:04:45+00:00

For detailed information, please see our Terms of Service. Simply put, zInspector software is designed to keep your personal information and data secure. zInspector will not share or sell your personal information. zInspector does not own any content you generate.

Who owns the photo, video, and other inspection data I upload to zInspector?2020-10-05T22:21:11+00:00

You do: your content is your content.

We will never sell or publish your photos, videos, documents, and inspection results. However, we do reserve the right to access your inspection data in order to provide customer support and to reproduce some inspection content in order to enhance your zInspector experience. For example, we make low-resolution copies of your photos so you can quickly browse your information on the zInspector website.

How many devices can I use simultaneously per user account? 2020-10-14T22:01:59+00:00

Our Terms of Service allow for two (2) simultaneous devices per user login. You can switch devices at any time. If this is too limiting for your organization, please email support@zinspector.com to discuss.

Can I use different devices simultaneously and/or change devices as needed? 2020-10-14T22:04:19+00:00

Yes, zInspector has the most powerful sync capability on the market.  You can log into the mobile app on a new device and sync available property definition data from the website to the device within 30 seconds (for the latter, a mobile or WiFi connection is required). You can use up to 2 (two) different devices simultaneously or sequentially with a single username and password.

While you can perform Quick Pictures activities on multiple devices for the same property at a given time or in tandem with a single Inspect mode inspection activity, you cannot perform a collaborative Inspect mode inspection activity on multiple devices either simultaneously or sequentially.  An Inspect mode inspection activity begun on a device by a given user must be completed on that same device under the same user name.

Will zInspector work on my mobile device(s)?2020-10-05T22:18:19+00:00

 zInspector is designed for compatibility with both iOS and Android smartphones and tablets. Be sure the device has a camera!

Minimum requirements:

  • iOS: 9.3 or higher.
  • Android: 5.0 and higher.

Important: Location, camera, microphone, and other permissions may be required or recommended to enable basic and optimal functionality. See this article for more info.


Are there any restrictions on the use of zInspector software?2020-10-14T22:01:36+00:00

 zInspctor is a property inspection software intended for personal and business use. Please see our Terms of Service for more information.

More questions?2020-10-14T22:01:10+00:00

Feel free to contact us. You can…

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